Our Projects


SIES 2022 (smart and integrated energy system)

SIES 2022 (smart and integrated energy system)
  • > Developed for: Strathclyde University, Energy technology Centre, Best Transformer, Magtel
  • > Typology: Energy

SIES 2022 (smart and integrated energy system)

Consortium formed by Spain, Scotland and Turkey

It will allow a virtual power plant (VPP) system to evolve to add renewable energy generation sys-tems, storage systems, hydrogen and heat.
The main objectives of this project are:

  • Supporting the transition from a centralised energy grid to a low-carbon, decentralised smart and integrated energy system (SIES)
  • Promoting the use of technology solutions that enable and place consumer needs at the epicentre of the system
  • Developing advanced control systems managed by IoT platforms (VPP)
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