Our Projects


In Power

In Power
  • > Developed for: Research project H2020
  • > Typology: Energy
  • > Coordinates: Leitat – Technological Center
  • > Collaborate: Magtel – Votteler – Kolzer – Nematia Geocad – Ik4tekniker – Fertiberia – Enea

In Power

Fresnel pilot plant

This project addresses the technical and economic optimisation of solar thermal generation, intro-ducing multiple innovative solutions such as selec-tive coatings or new structural materials.

Magtel’s experimental plant in Seville, where it is being developed, has a fresnel-type technol-ogy that has demonstrated an improvement in efficiency through new mirrors, which improve reflectivity, and absorber tubes that improve absorbance. In addition, the photovoltaic plant is equipped with an antisoiling system, which will reduce the water consumption required for O&M (Organisation & Methods) and an innovative, low-cost solar tracker system.

The main conclusion at the end of the project is that In Power’s results show that the technology used will increase the efficiency of future commer-cial installations and increase their profitability.

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