Our Projects


Sunrise PV

  • > Typology: Convocatoria del programa misiones de ciencia e innovación del año 2022
  • > Leader: Magtel
  • > Investigative Agencies: Tecnalia, Aicia, Cetim, Ikerlan
  • > Partners: Cegasa , CEN Solutions, Isfoc, Mondragon, Mugape, Soltec, Técnicas reunidas
  • > Co-financing: Subvencionado por el CDTI y los Fondos “Next Generation EU”
  • > Budget: 6.551.170,00€
  • > Execution Time: octubre 2022 – junio 2025

Sunrise PV

The new generation of photovoltaic technologies aims to reduce energy costs through circularity strategies. These technologies focus on the development of solar panels and systems that not only generate clean energy but also incorporate principles of circular economy throughout their life cycle.

The Sunrise PV project proposes solutions and innovations that address the challenges outlined in the mission “Strengthening technological capabilities for secure and sustainable energy autonomy (fusion, hydrogen, and renewables)” throughout various stages of the value chain. The project focuses on research in the following areas:

  • New materials and manufacturing processes for photovoltaic modules and other components: Developing innovative materials and manufacturing techniques to improve the conversion efficiency of solar modules and reduce manufacturing costs.
  • New operation and maintenance processes: Investigating and implementing advanced operation and maintenance strategies for photovoltaic systems to ensure their long-lasting, efficient, and reliable performance.
  • Recovery and reuse of materials and critical components: Developing processes for the recovery and reuse of materials and critical components within the photovoltaic value chain. This aims to increase their value and improve the environmental impact of the technology through circular economy practices.
  • Optimizing renewable photovoltaic energy production: Seeking significant reductions in the energy and economic costs of photovoltaic technology (improving the levelized cost of energy, LCOE). This includes advancements in the efficiency, flexibility, and manageability of photovoltaic plants within an environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable framework.
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