Our Projects



  • > Leader: Textil Santanderina, S.A.
  • > Investigative Agencies: Leitart, Aitex, Cetim, Universidad de León, Universidad de Córdoba
  • > Partners: Angles Textil, S.A., Polysistec S.L. (Pyme), Suavizantes Y Plastificantes Bituminosos, S.L., E.G.O. Appliance Controls, S.L.U., Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo, Magtel Operaciones S.L.U
  • > Co-financing: Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), en el marco de la convocatoria del Programa Estratégico Cien (Consorcios de Investigación Empresarial Nacional)
  • > Project: http://www.fiberclean.es/


Solutions for microfibre reduction in the fabric and garment manufacturing and maintenance value chain

The project is developed from two different per-spectives:

  • Research and development of new yarns, fabrics and finished products, with properties that prevent the release of microfibres during various stages of the product life cycle or allow them to be revalued.
  • Research and development of new technologies related to garment washing and waste water treatment for the removal or reduction of microfibres, which are compatible with conventional systems.
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