Our Projects


Air conditioning system for the Data Processing Center (CPD) of the Salud Responde and Servicio Provincial 061 building in Jaén

Air conditioning system for the Data Processing Center (CPD) of the Salud Responde and Servicio Provincial 061 building in Jaén
  • > Developed for: Empresa Pública de Emergencias Sanitarias
  • > Typology: Infraestructuras TIC
  • > Location: Jaén

Air conditioning system for the Data Processing Center (CPD) of the Salud Responde and Servicio Provincial 061 building in Jaén

The Digital Transformation Division of Magtel has successfully implemented a new air conditioning system for the Data Processing Center (CPD) located in the Salud Responde and Servicio Provincial 061 building in Jaén.

Specifically, the following works have been carried out:

  • Installation of a custom-made aluminum enclosure measuring 12m in length and 1.5m in width to create a refrigerated aisle within the CPD.Installation of three InRow refrigeration units inside the CPD.

    Installation of a management system to control the temperature of the CPD.

    Training provided to the CPD personnel.

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