Our Projects


Multichannel technical assistance services

Multichannel technical assistance services
  • > Developed for: Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de las Telecomunicaciones S.A. (Sandetel)
  • > Equipment: 47 especialistas en puestos adaptados para la atención multicanal a usuarios.

Multichannel technical assistance services

We provide professional multichannel technical assistance services specialized in first and second-level user support for various administrations (at the local, provincial, and regional levels) from Sevilla and Córdoba. These services cater to government officials, employees, and citizens, ensuring efficient and effective support across multiple communication channels.


  • Advanced tax information and assistance services.
  • General administrative information services of the Junta de Andalucía.
  • General administrative information services of the Junta de Andalucía.
  • Citizen assistance service “Info Vivienda” (Housing Information).
  • Citizen assistance service “Consumo Responde” (Consumer Response).
  • Technical support service for the use of the electronic processing platform.
  • Support and functional assistance service for citizens’ needs related to the use of the Electronic Administration platform (electronic headquarters and virtual office).
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