Our Projects


Cleaning of the grounding system at the San Rafael de Navallana Dam

Cleaning of the grounding system at the San Rafael de Navallana Dam
  • > Developed for: Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (CHG)
  • > Typology: Limpieza de aterramientos en el canal de alimentación de la estación de bombeo de la Presa San Rafael de Navallana
  • > Location: Provincia de Córdoba

Cleaning of the grounding system at the San Rafael de Navallana Dam

For the Guadalquivir River Basin Authority (CHG), through a joint venture (UTE), Magtel has carried out the cleaning of natural sediments accumulated in the canal section between the Navallana Dam and the Guadalquivir River. This aims to enable pumping from the Guadalquivir and accumulate water in the reservoir to mitigate drought and take advantage of occasional surpluses in the Guadalquivir.

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