Our Projects


Execution of special works at the C.A. El Cabril facilities

Execution of special works at the C.A. El Cabril facilities
  • > Developed for: Enresa
  • > Typology: Construction

Execution of special works at the C.A. El Cabril facilities

Adequacy of the volumetric cubing system of Section I of Cell 29:

The network of leachate collection pipes in Section I of Cell 29, the storage cell for very low level radioactive waste (VLLRW), has been remodelled. A stainless steel tank has also been incorporated for the identification and control of possible water leaks.

Construction of the closure slab of LIRW Storage Cell 20:

The closure slab of cell number 20 for the disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive waste (LIRW) has been installed by means of the construction of a reinforced concrete slab.

Replacement of the fire-fighting piping in the auxiliary buildings area:

Replacement of the existing network of the fire-fighting plan of the facility’s buildings by digging a trench, removing the old one and then laying a new ductile cast iron pipe, respecting the layout of the initial network.

Modification of the leachate collection network of VLLRW storage Cell 29:

Modification of the leachate collection network in Cell 29 of the VLLRW storage cell, so that the three existing evacuation networks are independent up to discharge. In addition, three stainless steel tanks are introduced for intermediate leachate control.

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