Our Projects


Solar Thermoelectric

Solar Thermoelectric
  • > Power: 50MW
  • > Location: Entre los municipios de Fuente Palmera, Guadalcázar, Almodóvar del Río y Posadas (Córdoba, España)
  • > Promoter: Magtel, TSK y Grupo Ortiz
  • > Technology: Cilíndrico-parabólica
  • > Extensión: 270 hectáreas

Solar Thermoelectric

Africana Energía is a 50 MW solar thermal power plant promoted by three leading companies: Magtel, TSK y Grupo Ortiz. These companies came together in a common commitment to make this project an international technological and environmental point of reference.


The high degree of innovation of the installations and their operation position them as a point of reference not only in Andalusia, but also nationwide. Africana Energía uses cylindrical-parabolic technology to capture solar rays; a clean, mature technology made for a large-scale installation and a thermal storage system that enables it to provide energy even at night and with overcast skies.

Africana Energía represents an investment of 387 million euros and has a rated power of 50 MW that will generate over 180 million kilowatts an hour, equivalent to the consumption of 100,000 homes.



logo_africana_energiaAfter considerable efforts in promotion, engineering and license and permit management, and after four years’ work, Magtel was the only 100% Andalusian company able to pre-assign a solar thermal plant in Spain: Africana Energía.



Cifras relevantes

solar connectors


tonnes of molten salt


metres of deployed cable


million euros


Energy production equivalent to the consumption of 100,000
Africana Energía avoids the consumption of 65,000
tonnes of carbon


and the emission of 98,000
tonnes of carbon dioxide a year


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