Since its inception in the 1990s, Magtel has deployed fibre optics for Telefónica’s rings in Cordoba, as well as for the Enagás gas pipeline between Seville and Ciudad Real.
Since then, it has been involved in the main fibre optic deployment projects in Spain.
Thus, more than 5,000 km of Adif’s communications networks have been deployed, both on conventional and high-speed lines, with different neutral fibre optic operators. In addition, Magtel has participated in the deployments of the main operators in the country.
On the other hand, the boom experienced in the last 10 years with the large FTTH network deployments has positioned Magtel as one of the most important companies at national level. Since 2013, the company has served nearly 960,000 homes with the installation of more than 7,500 km of fibre optic cable for various operators.
The company continues to work with different operators in the deployment of fibre optics, also serving areas with lower population density, promoting equal opportunities in digital matters through access to telecommunications.
This professional growth is due to a model based on technological innovation, sustainable growth and continuous training, making the company one of the leading Spanish companies in engineering, deployment and maintenance of urban and inter-urban fibre optic networks, as well as end-customer I+M.
The expansion strategy used by the firm is based on offering a fully comprehensive service, based on the enormous know-how acquired through Magtel’s extensive experience in the sector. The services encompass the complete cycle of activities that make up these projects: from the request for permits; network design and engineering; civil works and infrastructure; laying and splicing; final test measurements; final installation at the customer’s premises and maintenance of the entire plant. This experience has generated a great deal of trust in our customers, allowing us to expand new lines of business throughout the country.
The company is carrying out work on the sites and infrastructure that will house the new generation equipment for this technology. This is one of the most important challenges to maintain our position as a benchmark in the telecommunications sector and, after more than 30 years, we want to continue to actively participate in technological change. In this regard, the R&D&I Division has a specific telecommunications area from which to promote research and innovation initiatives on 5G.
This new generation of technology will bring three new use cases: ultra-reliable connections and reduced latency, improved mobile broadband and massive machine-to-machine communications. However, one of its biggest impacts is expected to be on the IoT (Internet of Things).
Among other options, it will be applied in the fields of energy, agriculture, health or security and defence, enabling its use in infrastructures and transport, in drone monitoring and industry 4.0, allowing the precise visualisation of virtual parts in the real environment.