Fundación Magtel offers 30 placements as part of the Introduction to the Business World Programme


Fundación Magtel offers 30 placements as part of the Introduction to the Business World Programme

It targets graduates who just finished vocational training, or a university or master’s degree, preferably with no previous experience

51% of students found a job after completing placement in last round

Fundación Magtel opens a new round of its Introduction to the Business World Programme, offering 30 work placements. It intends to help professional integration of graduates, especially young people with no prior experience.

Eligible candidates are those who, as from December 31st 2015, hold a vocational training certificate or a university or master’s degree, from regulated centres. Also eligible for entry are technical or higher engineering students who have passed all modules required to earn the degree except for the final project; and medium or higher vocational training students who have passed all theory modules before joining and who, as part of their compulsory training credits, have done practicals at the company.

Candidate profiles must match the requirements set for placements offered by partnering organisations; partnership agreements will have been entered into with these organisations.

Once shortlisted, participants will be joining different companies and institutions in 2020 to put their academic knowledge into practice and learn to conduct themselves on a truly professional stage.
These placements, funded by Fundación Magtel, will run for a minimum of three months, extendable for successive three-month-periods up to a year. Shortlisted participants will be registered in the general Social Security scheme under the terms agreed upon for training programmes.


Please note the deadline for applications has changed. From now on, candidates must fill in and submit the relevant form on Fundación Magtel’s website ( by March 31st 2020, together with an up-to-date CV/résumé. You can also find the placement terms here.
The Programme’s last round was remarkable because of the high professional integration rate achieved. In fact, 51% of participants ended up being hired by the very same work centres where the placement took place. Such an outcome led to a spike in applications in subsequent years, with a total of 335 candidates for the 2019 round.

The Programme is in line with Magtel’s commitment to opportunity generation and talent management. Fundación Magtel has agreements in place with 85 secondary education schools and over 20 national and international universities to promote on-the-job training and professional integration in engineering, administration, finance, energy, electronics, telecommunications, IT, marketing, and international trade.

Important!:  If you live in Seville, you can receive customised guidance and get all your questions answered at Unidad de Orientación Profesional de Andalucía Orienta, on C/Isaac Newton N.º 4, 4.ª planta (Pabellón de Italia-Isla de la Cartuja).