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Photovoltaic plant installations in the province of Huelva

Photovoltaic plant installations in the province of Huelva
  • > Developed for: Comunidad de Regantes El Fresno
  • > Typology: Shared self-consumption and energy communities
  • > Location: Moguer y Lucena del Puerto (Huelva)

Photovoltaic plant installations in the province of Huelva

The first action consisted of the installation of a 408 kWp photovoltaic plant in Moguer that will serve two 160 kW solar inverters. These elements will allow the hydraulic pumps used for the crops to be used directly by the solar panels. In this way, the irrigation community will be able to use solar energy as much as possible for the correct supply of its plantations. Specifically, it is a photovoltaic solar power plant of 2109 KWp for self-consumption using HV. The installation is shaped as a structure driven into consolidated ground, a structure driven into the slope of a basin, and another part on a roof.

The Energy Division also executed another installation, in this case with a capacity of 700 kW in Lucena del Puerto, also in the province of Huelva. In this case, it consists of a 522 kWp solar photovoltaic plant, of which 60 kWp are roof-mounted and the rest ground-mounted.

Magtel also executed the Valdemaría photovoltaic installation, also deployed in the Huelva municipality of Moguer, which will supply 550 hectares of crops. The plant, with a surface area of 1955 m2, has an output of 409 kWp, serving two 160 kW solar inverters. It will save
90 TOE/year of CO2 (tonnes of oil not used) and 22 t/year of final electrical energy. This type of project makes it possible to reduce energy
dependence, as the pumping for which the photovoltaic installation is allocated consumes less energy from the grid. They will guarantee the storage and supply of a larger quantity of water, saving costs and allowing daytime

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