Our Projects



  • > Typology: R&D&i
  • > Location: Córdoba
  • > Equipment: Magtel R&D&i
  • > Coordinates: IDENER
  • > Leader: IDENER
  • > Partners: 1. (Coord.) IDENER Research & Development - Spain 2. Universidad de Sevilla – Spain 3. Magtel Operaciones S.L.- Spain 4. Tharsis Mining & Metallurgy - Spain 5. Åbo Akademi University - Finland 6. Civil Engineering Institute of Macedonia - North Macedonia 7. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology - Poland 8. University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences - Serbia 9. Consiglio Nationale della Recherche - Italy 10. Belgium Nuclear Research Center - Belgium 11. Prehnit - Croatia 12. CapturaCO2, S.L.- Spain SE 13. Association pour la Recherche et le Developpement d’Innovations et de Technologies pour la protection de l’heritage Environnemental, social et culturel - France 14. European Federation of Geologists - Belgium 15. Universidad de Huelva - Spain 16. Asistencias Técnicas Clave, S.L.U. - Spain 17. Persán - PR Spain 18. Cementos Cruz - Spain 19. Agencia estatal consejo superior de investigaciones científicas- Spain 20. LECTA Group - Spain 21. PRAYON - Belgium 22. Fraunhofer IKTS - Spain 23. Association Europeenne pour la Democratie Locale - France 24. Chrysteins - Belgium 25. Fundación Ciudad de la Energía - Spain 26. Municipality of Barreiro - Portugal 27. (AP) Federal Agency For Nuclear Control - Belgium 28. (AP) Municipality of Kavadarci - North Macedonia
  • > Co-financing: Europe Union
  • > Budget: 11.7 M (total project)
  • > EU Contribution: 9.9 M
  • > Execution Time: June of 2024- may of 2028
  • > Promoter: Horizon Europe
  • > Treatment Capacity: Revaluation of up to 700 tons of phosphogypsum per year
  • > Project: FIC-Fighters


The main objective of the project is to demonstrate a circular and systemic solution for the regeneration of seven local phosphogypsum piles in Europe aimed at five economic sectors: batteries, packaging, construction, detergents and fertilizers.

To this end, a pilot plant will be built that will operate using two different approaches to valorize up to 700 tons of phosphogypsum per year.

 A circular economy plan that also integrates renewable energy solutions to support the plant’s operations.

Siguiente Proyecto