Our Projects


Modernisation of the irrigation installations ofthe Irrigation Community of the Nacimiento deCoín Llanos a Juntillas (Malaga)

Modernisation of the irrigation installations ofthe Irrigation Community of the Nacimiento deCoín Llanos a Juntillas (Malaga)
  • > Developed for: Comunidad de Regantes del Nacimiento de Coín Llanos a Juntillas (Málaga)
  • > Typology: Comunidades energéticas
  • > Location: Málaga

Modernisation of the irrigation installations ofthe Irrigation Community of the Nacimiento deCoín Llanos a Juntillas (Malaga)

This project involved the installation of pipes and the transformer station, the execution of the water pumping system and the remote management of the irrigation system.

Magtel’s Infrastructure Division was responsible for the installation and supply of pipes for the irrigation network, some 180km long in the municipality of Coín; the pumping of water from the existing underground catchment; the remote management of the irrigation system; and the installation of the transformer substation. The project will supply nearly 2500 plots with meters and outlets.

The main objective of the modernisation is to replace a gravity irrigation system with a localised irrigation system. This change will achieve an overall irrigation system efficiency of 86% and an effective water saving of 40.7%.

Regarding the water catchment in the Nacimiento River Gap, the parties have agreed to replace the pumping units with more efficient ones.

A flow meter will also be installed at the outlet of the pumping station. Finally, an electrical installation will be built that includes a 400 kVA transformer station, a lowvoltage connection, a protection and control panel, and the low-voltage lines to each of the receivers .

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