Our Projects


Maintenance for Gestión Integral de Aguas de Huelva (Giahsa)

Maintenance for Gestión Integral de Aguas de Huelva (Giahsa)
  • > Developed for: Gestión integral de Aguas de Huelva S.A (GIAHSA)
  • > Typology: Instalaciones eléctricas en Media y Baja Tensión
  • > Location: Province of Huelva

Maintenance for Gestión Integral de Aguas de Huelva (Giahsa)

Maintenance of nearly 400 MV/LV electrical installations and 24-hour breakdown service in the province of Huelva

The work includes the repair of the electrical component of the infrastructures, as well as the maintenance of the electrical equipment and the execution of the necessary civil works.

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