Our Projects


Fiber optic through gas pipelines

Fiber optic through gas pipelines
  • > Developed for: Enagás
  • > Location: Ciudad Real, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen y Seville (España)
  • > Fiber Optic Deployed: 693.000 km

Fiber optic through gas pipelines

Magtel carried out the deployment of urban and interurban fiber optic networks through last generation technology. The company undertook the engineering, construction and maintenance of fiber optic networks for the access and transportation of electronic communications. The deployment of the access network consisted of the creation, transfer and control of the civil work (conduits, surface boxes, chambers, posts, units, etc.), as well as the fiber optic transmission equipment.

Among its main activities in this field, Magtel executed the project for the construction, installation and start-up of the fiber optic network through the Enagás gas pipeline infrastructure in the provinces of Ciudad Real, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén and Seville in Spain.

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