Our Projects


Deviations on AT/MT lines for the AVE high speed train connection at Almodóvar del Río (Cordoba)

Deviations on AT/MT lines for the AVE high speed train connection at Almodóvar del Río (Cordoba)
  • > Developed for: SOGEOSA-PAVASAL joint venture to end customer ADIF Alta Velocidad
  • > Typology: HV, MV Installations
  • > Location: Almodóvar del Río (Cordoba)

Deviations on AT/MT lines for the AVE high speed train connection at Almodóvar del Río (Cordoba)

Installation work to clear the construction site of the High Speed Railway connection

In this project, technical studies and proposals were carried out in 2020 to solve the problems posed by ADIF in order to resolve them.

During 2021, the undergrounding of a section of LAT 66 kV has been carried out, and is expected to be completed in mid-2022 after the diversions of the LMT have been carried out.

The works have been carried out for the joint venture formed by the companies Sogeosa and Pavasal, the final client being ADIF Alta Velocidad.

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