Our Projects


Magtel develops the self-consumption photovoltaic energy pilot plant project for Renfe

Magtel develops the self-consumption photovoltaic energy pilot plant project for Renfe
  • > Developed for: Renfe
  • > Typology: PV plant for self-consumption
  • > Location: Olmedo (Valladolid)
  • > Execution Time: 5 years

Magtel develops the self-consumption photovoltaic energy pilot plant project for Renfe

The infrastructure is focused on the self-consumption model, with generation of surplus that Renfe will sell in the market.

Almost 27 million euros will be invested in the construction of this pilot plant, which will serve to launch a project with an overall investment of 350 million euros for up to 34 photovoltaic plants throughout Spain.

The project envisages the design and development of a pilot plant that will serve as a testbed, calibration of parameterisation, etc. This first plant will be used to analyse the real level of self-consumption obtained.

It will be located in the town of Olmedo (Valladolid), on about 35 hectares of land, near the Adif power substation that feeds the Madrid-Valladolid- North Spain highspeed rail corridor.

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